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Ethical Culture Book Club: When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi

Friday August 21st, 11am to 12:30pm PDT

Join this online event via Zoom videoconferencing. The link will be available once you RSVP on the event’s Meetup page.



Wednesday Video Night

Wednesday August 26th, 7:30pm to 9pm PDT

Join us for another video exploring issues related to ethics. We will look into the deeper and more introspective questions in life. The goal of the night is to be inspired and motivated to pursue meaningful virtues in our everyday lives.

Please note that this an online event via Zoom videoconferencing. After you RSVP on the Meetup page for this event, the link will be visible in the box on the right hand side of the page along with other meeting details.



Friday Morning Ethics Discussion

Friday September 4th, 10am to noon PDT

Using situations in life and from the news of the week, we’ll explore ethical issues of the day. The topic will change every month. Bring issues from your life or the news to share.

Join this online event via Zoom videoconferencing. The link will be available once you RSVP on the event’s Meetup page.



Coffee and Conversation

Sunday September 13th, 11am PDT

Coffee & Conversation sessions are informal, inclusive, supportive gatherings. We just talk about things that are on our minds, things that make for, or detract from, a fulfilling human life in the real world for ourselves and for other people. We listen to each other, share our thoughts, sip our hot drinks, and enjoy being together.

Please note that this an online event via Zoom videoconferencing. You will get a link to the meeting after you RSVP on the Meetup page for this event.



Friday Morning Ethics Discussion: Competition and Cooperation

Friday March 6th, 10am to noon

Holder’s Country Inn (998 S. DeAnza Blvd, San Jose CA 95129)

Competition and cooperation. Are these concepts mutually exclusive? What about conflict? And, what about coordination, collaboration, communication, and conversation? Can we incorporate all of these Cs into a problem solving model that provides solutions to our multi-faceted challenges? Please join us with your stories and thoughts!

Although it’s fine to just show up, it would be greatly appreciated if you RSVP so we have some idea how many people to expect. You can use our Meetup page if you have an account there, or you can use our contact form. Thanks!



Coffee and Conversation

Sunday March 8th, 11am

Neutra House (181 Hillview Ave., Los Altos CA 94022)

Coffee & Conversation sessions are informal, inclusive, supportive gatherings. We just talk about things that are on our minds, things that make for, or detract from, a fulfilling human life in the real world for ourselves and for other people. We listen to each other, share our thoughts, sip our hot drinks, and enjoy being together. We do this at Neutra House in Los Altos the second Sunday of each month at 11:00 in the morning. Linda and John will lead the discussion.

Although it’s fine to just show up, it would be greatly appreciated if you RSVP so we have some idea how many people to expect and can set up the room accordingly. You can use our Meetup page if you have an account there, or you can use our contact form. Thanks!



Sunday Spotlight: Love As A Force For Social Justice

Sunday March 15th, 11am

Neutra House (181 Hillview Ave., Los Altos CA 94022)

Our speaker this month, Anne Firth Murray, explores the concept of love as a force for social justice and action and as the inspiration for service and the application of knowledge for positive social change. The following topics will be discussed: kinds of love/should we define love; non-violent communication; love and the biology of the brain; love as a basic concept of religious and ethical beliefs (e.g., Buddhism, Christianity, Gandhian Thought, Islam, Judaism); and artistic and poetic expressions of love as a social force. This discussion will attempt to foster a sense of the importance of love as a key phenomenon in creating community, connection, and functional societies among humans.

Although it’s fine to just show up, it would be greatly appreciated if you RSVP so we have some idea how many people to expect and can set up the room accordingly. You can use our Meetup page if you have an account there, or you can use our contact form. Thanks!


Evening Ethics Discussion and Food

Wednesday March 18th, 7:30pm

Paula and Ben’s home (RSVP for location details)

Ethical dilemmas from our daily lives will be the focus of the discussion. Bring ethical situations you personally face to the group for a hearty and thoughtful discussion. For instance, are you faced with an ethical choice and wonder what the right thing to do is? Does something you see in the media make you wince because you think it’s unethical? Did some person act in a way that received media attention because it was seen as very “moral” and it got you thinking about what you would do in the same situation? Bring it to the group and we’ll discuss it!

Vegan dinner served at 6:30, discussion at 7:30. PLEASE do not bring any food or drink into the home. RSVP for location details (you can use our Meetup page if you have an account there, or you can use our contact form.)



Friday Morning Ethics Discussion

Friday March 20th, 10am to noon

Holder’s Country Inn (998 S. DeAnza Blvd, San Jose CA 95129)

Using situations in life and from the news of the week, we’ll explore ethical issues of the day. The topic will change every month. Bring issues from your life or the news to share.

Although it’s fine to just show up, it would be greatly appreciated if you RSVP so we have some idea how many people to expect. You can use our Meetup page if you have an account there, or you can use our contact form. Thanks!


Book Club: When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi

Sunday March 22nd, 11am

Neutra House (181 Hillview Ave., Los Altos CA 94022)

All are welcome, though please read the book and bring along at least one point for discussion. If you have chance, look over the list to help choose the next book.

Although it’s fine to just show up, it would be greatly appreciated if you RSVP so we have some idea how many people to expect and can set up the room accordingly. You can use our Meetup page if you have an account there, or you can use our contact form. Thanks!



Video Night With Discussion And Food

Wednesday March 25th, 6:30pm

Paula and Ben’s home (RSVP for location details)

Join us for another video exploring issues related to ethics. We will look into the deeper and more introspective questions in life. The goal of the night is to be inspired and motivated to pursue meaningful virtues in our everyday lives. Suggestions for videos under 30 minutes are welcome!

Vegan dinner served at 6:30, discussion at 7:30. PLEASE do not bring any food or drink into the home. RSVP for location details (you can use our Meetup page if you have an account there, or you can use our contact form.)



Friday Morning Ethics Discussion

Friday April 3rd, 10am to noon

Holder’s Country Inn (998 S. DeAnza Blvd, San Jose CA 95129)

Using situations in life and from the news of the week, we’ll explore ethical issues of the day. The topic will change every month. Bring issues from your life or the news to share.

Although it’s fine to just show up, it would be greatly appreciated if you RSVP so we have some idea how many people to expect. You can use our Meetup page if you have an account there, or you can use our contact form. Thanks!


First Sunday Ethical Action Meeting: Where From? Where To?

Sunday April 5th, 11am

Neutra House (181 Hillview Ave., Los Altos CA 94022)

Ethical Culture has a long history of taking on projects to make the world a better place. Since 2006, our Society in Silicon Valley has included ethical action as one of our core beliefs and activities. It’s time to assess what we’ve done and to look at what we plan to do next.

You belong in this group if you want to take a deeper dive into the history of Ethical Action in our movement, explore what actions might be deserving of our efforts, understand different approaches (the photos show 2 different ones) and decide what to do next. You belong if you are curious! You belong if you are motivated to do something to make things better.

We will be meeting at Neutra House the first Sundays in February, March and April and taking action somewhere else in May!

Although it’s fine to just show up, it would be greatly appreciated if you RSVP so we have some idea how many people to expect and can set up the room accordingly. You can use our Meetup page if you have an account there, or you can use our contact form. Thanks!


Coffee and Conversation

Sunday April 12th, 11am

Neutra House (181 Hillview Ave., Los Altos CA 94022)

Coffee & Conversation sessions are informal, inclusive, supportive gatherings. We just talk about things that are on our minds, things that make for, or detract from, a fulfilling human life in the real world for ourselves and for other people. We listen to each other, share our thoughts, sip our hot drinks, and enjoy being together. We do this at Neutra House in Los Altos the second Sunday of each month at 11:00 in the morning. Linda and John will lead the discussion.

Although it’s fine to just show up, it would be greatly appreciated if you RSVP so we have some idea how many people to expect and can set up the room accordingly. You can use our Meetup page if you have an account there, or you can use our contact form. Thanks!



First Sunday Ethical Action Meeting: Where From? Where To?

Sunday February 2nd, 11am

Neutra House (181 Hillview Ave., Los Altos CA 94022)

Ethical Culture has a long history of taking on projects to make the world a better place. Since 2006, our Society in Silicon Valley has included ethical action as one of our core beliefs and activities. It’s time to assess what we’ve done and to look at what we plan to do next.

You belong in this group if you want to take a deeper dive into the history of Ethical Action in our movement, explore what actions might be deserving of our efforts, understand different approaches, and decide what to do next. You belong if you are curious; you belong if you are motivated to do something to make things better. Please join us!

Although it’s fine to just show up, it would be greatly appreciated if you RSVP so we have some idea how many people to expect and can set up the room accordingly. You can use our Meetup page if you have an account there, or you can use our contact form. Thanks!



Friday Morning Ethics Discussion

Friday November 15th, 10am to noon

Holder’s Country Inn (998 S. DeAnza Blvd, San Jose CA 95129)

Using situations in life and from the news of the week, we’ll explore ethical issues of the day. The topic will change every month. Bring issues from your life or the news to share.

Although it’s fine to just show up, it would be greatly appreciated if you RSVP so we have some idea how many people to expect. You can use our Meetup page if you have an account there, or you can use our contact form. Thanks!



Coffee and Conversation

Sunday February 10th, 11am

Neutra House (181 Hillview Ave., Los Altos CA 94022)

Coffee & Conversation sessions are informal, inclusive, supportive gatherings. We just talk about things that are on our minds, things that make for, or detract from, a fulfilling human life in the real world for ourselves and for other people. We listen to each other, share our thoughts, sip our hot drinks, and enjoy being together. We do this at Neutra House in Los Altos the second Sunday of each month at 11:00 in the morning. Linda and John will lead the discussion.

Although it’s fine to just show up, it would be greatly appreciated if you RSVP so we have some idea how many people to expect and can set up the room accordingly. You can use our Meetup page if you have an account there, or you can use our contact form. Thanks!



Evening Ethics Discussion and Food

Wednesday January 16th 2019, 6:30pm

Paula and Ben’s home (RSVP for location details)

Ethical dilemmas from our daily lives will be the focus of the discussion. Bring ethical situations you personally face to the group for a hearty and thoughtful discussion. For instance, are you faced with an ethical choice and wonder what the right thing to do is? Does something you see in the media make you wince because you think it’s unethical? Did some person act in a way that received media attention because it was seen as very “moral” and it got you thinking about what you would do in the same situation? Bring it to the group and we’ll discuss it!

Vegan dinner served at 6:30, discussion at 7:30. PLEASE do not bring any food or drink into the home. RSVP for location details (you can use our Meetup page if you have an account there, or you can use our contact form.)



Video Night With Discussion And Food

Wednesday January 23rd, 6:30pm

Paula and Ben’s home (RSVP for location details)

Join us for another video exploring issues related to ethics. We will look into the deeper and more introspective questions in life. The goal of the night is to be inspired and motivated to pursue meaningful virtues in our everyday lives. Suggestions for videos under 30 minutes are welcome!

Vegan dinner served at 6:30, discussion at 7:30. PLEASE do not bring any food or drink into the home. RSVP for location details (you can use our Meetup page if you have an account there, or you can use our contact form.)



Winter Festival

Sunday December 16th, 11am

Neutra House (181 Hillview Ave., Los Altos CA 94022)

What is the Winter Festival? It’s a sharing session. Everyone is encouraged to share something: tell a story, read a poem, show a picture, do a song, a skit, a joke, a show-and-tell, something you made, a group game, anything you think others might appreciate. And we’re a pretty appreciative bunch! It can relate to the winter season/solstice/holidays but it doesn’t have to. Keep it under five minutes if you can. Then stay for the pot-luck too!

The program begins at 11 a.m. and will be followed by a potluck lunch from 12:30-2:00 p.m. Please join us for either or both!

If you’d like to sign up to bring a dish or to share something during the program, please use our contact form.

Although it’s fine to just show up, it would be greatly appreciated if you RSVP so we have some idea how many people to expect and can set up the room accordingly.  You can use our Meetup page if you have an account there, or you can use our contact form.  Thanks!



Book Club: Prisons We Choose To Live Inside by Doris Lessing

Sunday November 24th, 11am

Neutra House (181 Hillview Ave., Los Altos CA 94022)

This month, we’ll be reading ‘Prisons We Choose to Live Inside’ by Doris Lessing. All are welcome, though please read the book and bring along at least one point for discussion. If you have chance, look over the list to help choose the next book http://ethicalsiliconvalley.org/ecssv-book-club/>/p>

Abstract (from http://www.supersummary.com/prisons-we-choose-to-live-inside/summary/):

British-Rhodesian author Doris Lessing’s collection of five essays, Prisons We Choose to Live Inside (1987), explores themes of society, government, and religion. The author is particularly concerned with what the “soft sciences” (i.e. psychology, sociology, anthropology, etc.) can tell us about patterns of human behavior. The essays are conversational in tone, as they were adapted from a series of lectures delivered during the 1985 Massey Lectures held annually in Canada.

Although it’s fine to just show up, it would be greatly appreciated if you RSVP so we have some idea how many people to expect and can set up the room accordingly. You can use our Meetup page if you have an account there, or you can use our contact form. Thanks!



Sunday Spotlight

Speaker TBD

Sunday August 19th, 11am

Neutra House (181 Hillview Ave., Los Altos CA 94022)

Join us one Sunday each month to hear from an inspiring, active speaker who will share information about working to make our community and our world a better place. Topics run the gamut from basic needs to social justice to the environment. We welcome you to participate by listening and engaging in thoughtful dialogue, with a little live music mixed in. We provide the coffee, tea, and a welcoming space for inquiring minds and open hearts to learn from one another.

Although it’s fine to just show up, it would be greatly appreciated if you RSVP so we have some idea how many people to expect and can set up the room accordingly. You can use our Meetup page if you have an account there, or you can use our contact form. Thanks!



Sunday Study Session

Sunday April 7th, 4pm

BJ and Lawrence’s home (RSVP for location details)

Want to know more about Ethical Culture? Have you attended some of our gatherings but don’t really know what Ethical Culture is all about? Attend this gathering where we review some of the documents created around the ideas and ideals of Ethical Culture as well as some of the current writings on Ethical Culture. This discussion will introduce Ethical Culture to new folks, refresh the ideas for the folks who’ve been around a while, and offer lots of ideas for discussion.

Please RSVP for location details, as this event is held at a private home. Use our Meetup page if you have a Meetup account, or you can contact us by email or this site’s contact form .




Video Night With Discussion And Food: What Makes A Good Life?

Wednesday January 22nd 2020, 6:30pm

Paula and Ben’s home (RSVP for location details)

What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness. Robert Waldinger Do you want to be rich or famous like one survey says over half of millennials want? Or is there something else that makes a good life? For 75 years, The Harvard Study of Adult Development has been tracking the lives of 724 men (teenagers at the beginning), with about 60 still alive and participating in the study. What makes a good life? Not riches and fame! There were two groups of men in the study: sophomores at Harvard College, and a group of boys from Boston’s poorest neighborhoods. What’s the lesson that comes from all this research? Good relationships make a good life! But there’s more to it than that! Join us to watch the video and to discuss it.

Vegan dinner served at 6:30, discussion at 7:30. PLEASE do not bring any food or drink into the home. RSVP for location details (you can use our Meetup page if you have an account there, or you can use our contact form.)



Book Club: Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

Sunday January 26th 2020, 11am

Neutra House (181 Hillview Ave., Los Altos CA 94022)

This month, we’ll be reading ‘Meditations’ by Marcus Aurelius. All are welcome, though please read the book and bring along at least one point for discussion. If you have chance, look over the list to help choose the next book.


Few ancient works have been as influential as the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius, philosopher and emperor of Rome (A.D. 161–180). A series of spiritual exercises filled with wisdom, practical guidance, and profound understanding of human behavior, it remains one of the greatest works of spiritual and ethical reflection ever written. Marcus’s insights and advice—on everything from living in the world to coping with adversity and interacting with others—have made the Meditations required reading for statesmen and philosophers alike, while generations of ordinary readers have responded to the straightforward intimacy of his style. For anyone who struggles to reconcile the demands of leadership with a concern for personal integrity and spiritual well-being, the Meditations remains as relevant now as it was two thousand years ago.

Although it’s fine to just show up, it would be greatly appreciated if you RSVP so we have some idea how many people to expect and can set up the room accordingly. You can use our Meetup page if you have an account there, or you can use our contact form. Thanks!



First Sunday Ethical Action Meeting: Where From? Where To?

Sunday February 2nd, 11am

Neutra House (181 Hillview Ave., Los Altos CA 94022)

Ethical Culture has a long history of taking on projects to make the world a better place. Since 2006, our Society in Silicon Valley has included ethical action as one of our core beliefs and activities. It’s time to assess what we’ve done and to look at what we plan to do next.

You belong in this group if you want to take a deeper dive into the history of Ethical Action in our movement, explore what actions might be deserving of our efforts, understand different approaches, and decide what to do next. You belong if you are curious; you belong if you are motivated to do something to make things better. Please join us!

Although it’s fine to just show up, it would be greatly appreciated if you RSVP so we have some idea how many people to expect and can set up the room accordingly. You can use our Meetup page if you have an account there, or you can use our contact form. Thanks!



Friday Morning Ethics Discussion

Friday February 7th, 10am to noon

Holder’s Country Inn (998 S. DeAnza Blvd, San Jose CA 95129)

Using situations in life and from the news of the week, we’ll explore ethical issues of the day. The topic will change every month. Bring issues from your life or the news to share.

Although it’s fine to just show up, it would be greatly appreciated if you RSVP so we have some idea how many people to expect. You can use our Meetup page if you have an account there, or you can use our contact form. Thanks!



Coffee and Conversation

Sunday February 9th, 11am

Neutra House (181 Hillview Ave., Los Altos CA 94022)

Coffee & Conversation sessions are informal, inclusive, supportive gatherings. We just talk about things that are on our minds, things that make for, or detract from, a fulfilling human life in the real world for ourselves and for other people. We listen to each other, share our thoughts, sip our hot drinks, and enjoy being together. We do this at Neutra House in Los Altos the second Sunday of each month at 11:00 in the morning. Linda and John will lead the discussion.

Although it’s fine to just show up, it would be greatly appreciated if you RSVP so we have some idea how many people to expect and can set up the room accordingly. You can use our Meetup page if you have an account there, or you can use our contact form. Thanks!



Sunday Spotlight: Colloquy led by Ben Wade

Sunday February 16th, 11am

Neutra House (181 Hillview Ave., Los Altos CA 94022)

Join us one Sunday each month to hear from an inspiring, active speaker who will share information about working to make our community and our world a better place. Topics run the gamut from basic needs to social justice to the environment. We welcome you to participate by listening and engaging in thoughtful dialogue, with a little live music mixed in. We provide the coffee, tea, and a welcoming space for inquiring minds and open hearts to learn from one another.

Although it’s fine to just show up, it would be greatly appreciated if you RSVP so we have some idea how many people to expect and can set up the room accordingly. You can use our Meetup page if you have an account there, or you can use our contact form. Thanks!



Evening Ethics Discussion and Food

Wednesday February 19th, 6:30pm

Paula and Ben’s home (RSVP for location details)

Ethical dilemmas from our daily lives will be the focus of the discussion. Bring ethical situations you personally face to the group for a hearty and thoughtful discussion. For instance, are you faced with an ethical choice and wonder what the right thing to do is? Does something you see in the media make you wince because you think it’s unethical? Did some person act in a way that received media attention because it was seen as very “moral” and it got you thinking about what you would do in the same situation? Bring it to the group and we’ll discuss it!

Vegan dinner served at 6:30, discussion at 7:30. PLEASE do not bring any food or drink into the home. RSVP for location details (you can use our Meetup page if you have an account there, or you can use our contact form.)



Friday Morning Ethics Discussion

Friday February 21st, 10am to noon

Holder’s Country Inn (998 S. DeAnza Blvd, San Jose CA 95129)

Using situations in life and from the news of the week, we’ll explore ethical issues of the day. The topic will change every month. Bring issues from your life or the news to share.

Although it’s fine to just show up, it would be greatly appreciated if you RSVP so we have some idea how many people to expect. You can use our Meetup page if you have an account there, or you can use our contact form. Thanks!



Book Club: A Trick of the Light by Louise Penny

Sunday February 23rd, 11am

Neutra House (181 Hillview Ave., Los Altos CA 94022)

All are welcome, though please read the book and bring along at least one point for discussion. If you have chance, look over the list to help choose the next book.

Although it’s fine to just show up, it would be greatly appreciated if you RSVP so we have some idea how many people to expect and can set up the room accordingly. You can use our Meetup page if you have an account there, or you can use our contact form. Thanks!



Video Night With Discussion And Food

Wednesday February 26th, 6:30pm

Paula and Ben’s home (RSVP for location details)

Join us for another video exploring issues related to ethics. We will look into the deeper and more introspective questions in life. The goal of the night is to be inspired and motivated to pursue meaningful virtues in our everyday lives. Suggestions for videos under 30 minutes are welcome!

Vegan dinner served at 6:30, discussion at 7:30. PLEASE do not bring any food or drink into the home. RSVP for location details (you can use our Meetup page if you have an account there, or you can use our contact form.)