An Invitation to Join Us
If you identify with our mission, choose to participate in our community, and are willing to make a financial pledge to support our activities and organization, we invite you to join the Ethical Culture Society of Silicon Valley.
Ethical Culture Society Silicon Valley is funded by its members. Pledges are used for everything from paper and postage to renting meeting space, sending delegates to American Ethical Union’s annual Assembly, and supporting members who attend American Ethical Union’s summer school. All members are asked to pledge when they join and then to make an annual pledge thereafter. Take a look at the pledge suggestions below, and then pledge any amount that feels right to you.
Pledge Suggestions
- Student/Fixed Income — we welcome new members regardless of their ability to pledge; please see a board member for details
- Basic — $75
- Supporting — $200
- Sustaining — $400
- Growth — $1,000 or more
When choosing your pledge amount, please note that ECSSV pays approximately $50/member each year to the American Ethical Union
To explore ECSSV membership, please use our contact form or send us an email message with the subject line “membership” or something similar. A member of the board will get in touch with you to discuss options. Here is a link to our membership brochure in .pdf format.
And THANK YOU for your interest in the Ethical Culture Society of Silicon Valley!