
Events in March 2017

  • Wednesday Ethics Discussion

    Category: Wednesday Ethics Discussions Wednesday Ethics Discussion

    March 15, 2017

    Immigration from the Inside Out

    Let's discuss the many ethical challenges of immigration: numbers, ethnicity, integration of refugees and other newcomers; benefits and costs, law and ethics and more. Molly leads.

  • Sunday Spotlight

    Category: Sunday Spotlight Sunday Spotlight

    March 19, 2017

    Changing the World Using Social Media

    This month's topic: Changing the World Using Social Media. Social media is changing the way we communicate, the way we are perceived, and the way we understand life. Although social media has been used for bad, we can and should use it for good.

    Our speaker in March is Emily Newman, the Communications Coordinator of the American Ethical Union and Communications & Development Assistant of The Humanist Institute. She grew up at the Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture and is now a member of the Future of Ethical Societies (FES). Emily earned her M.A. in Professional Writing from Carnegie Mellon University.

  • Wednesday Media Night

    Category: Wednesday Video Nights Wednesday Media Night

    March 22, 2017

    Food is served at 7pm, video starts at 7:30. Please RSVP for location details, as this event is held at a private home. (Note: Location changed to Molly's house in San Jose, near Lawrence and Doyle.) Use our Meetup page if you have a Meetup account, or you can contact us by email or this site's contact form .